Evaluation – Highfive Premium Service with Dolby Voice (Video)

Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Redwood City, California, Highfive is a privately-held Video Conferencing-as-a-Service (VCaaS) provider offering monthly subscriptions for in-room video conferencing.

Founded in 1965 and headquartered in San Francisco, California, Dolby Laboratories (Dolby) is a publicly-held (NYSE: DLB) company that specializes in audio noise reduction, audio encoding / compression and imaging technologies.

In September 2019, Highfive and Dolby commissioned the Recon Research (RR) team to perform a third-party assessment of the Highfive Premium service featuring Dolby Voice Room. This brief video contains highlights of the results of our hands-on testing.

For additional information and detailed test results, please review our Evaluation Results Report.