Impact of Covid-19 Survey – Platform Recommendations (NPS Scores)


During Q2- 2020, Recon Research (RR) conducted an online survey focused on the impact of Covid-19, and specifically the impact that the Work from Home (WFH) phenomenon is having on worker productivity, the adoption of communication tools, and the expectations for the future.

Our Covid-19 survey, which continues to draw additional responses, includes respondents from organizations with at least 500 employees across multiple industries and job roles in several countries.

To date, we have received ~ 1,300 qualified and vetted responses. See the demographics section at the bottom of this post for additional information about the sample set.

One of our prior research notes focused on which telephony (voice calling) and video conferencing platforms and services respondents were using while working from home.  We asked the respondents to select all that apply, so totals of more than 100% were common.

This note takes things one step further and focuses on the likelihood that respondents would recommend each of the platform(s) they are using while working from home, and provides NPS scores for leading telephony and video conferencing platforms.