Video Presentation – Meeting Room Video for Microsoft Resellers

New ways of working bring new revenue opportunities.

Video conferencing is more important today than ever before.  Compared to just a year ago, more people are conducting more meetings over video every day.  And survey results show that video conferencing will play a critical role in the hybrid working environment of the future.

Traditionally, meeting room video conferencing required complex, integrated systems that leveraged communication standards such as SIP and H.323.  But in the last few years, the video world has been migrating away from legacy deployments and toward simpler, IT-friendly, cloud-powered solutions.

This video, which was sponsored by Logitech, provides information and insight into the recent happenings in the video conferencing space, and highlights the new opportunities this represents for Microsoft Resellers.

Key topics covered within this video include:

  • Why Now (What Has Changed)?
  • What’s In It For My Company?
  • How Do We Get Started?