Meeting Room Video Conferencing Solutions – Market Segmentation

Historical Market Segmentation

Over the past 35 years, the meeting room (group) video conferencing market has evolved and matured in both incremental and meteoric ways.

Devices have benefited from price/performance improvements in semiconductors, algorithms, user interfaces, and IP networks.

In the past decade, the widespread availability of broadband internet connections and low-cost server farms have made cloud video services not only a viable option, but often a preferable alternative to traditional on-premises video conferencing infrastructure and workflows.

We have been tracking this market since just before the end of the 20th century.  Yes – we’ve spent more than 20-years analyzing the companies, products, services, and technologies impacting this space.

In the early years, devices improved with each turn of the technology screw.  That said, almost all devices were within the same basic genus; appliances designed to perform a specific task, namely video conferencing.

Most of the devices were based on a DSP architecture, but a few used x86 technology, though this was usually hidden from the user.

Updated (Current) Market Segmentation

Today, the meeting room video conferencing solutions / devices market includes five distinct product categories as shown in the chart below.

Important Note – the solutions listed in each section of the chart are examples only.